Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Letter 1/29/2013

Wow! This has been a really long week! So much to tell you as usual!

So this is our 6th week here and I can't believe it! We are the oldest district in our zone! Still no visas but I had a cruel joke played on me this week. So one night this week I saw that on one of the DearElders I got that my departure date was put for this week on there and I was like WHATTT??? The next day I was called out of class to go to the front desk and I thought it was probably my travel plans, my companion was crying and it was nerve racking. I got to the phone to call the front desk and it was only to tell me that they found my skirt that alterations had lost! Ha ha. Well during this week we sat at breakfast with the MTC President, President Nally. We talked about where we were going to serve and about visas and things. He said if they haven't come by now it's likely that we won't go to the Peru MTC and that if they don't come like the week before we are supposed to leave we will have to be reassigned until we get them. We feel like we will be reassigned. I was sad about that for awhile but now I really look forward to sharing the Gospel anywhere! This week our teacher gave us an opportunity in class just to pray for 10 minutes and to listen. I thought 10 minutes was going to be real long but I ended up taking 15. Anyway after I recieved alot of personal revealation. One part of that was in D and C 79:3-5 and it says, 

" Wherefore, go ye and preach my gospel, whether to the north or to the south, to the east or to the west, it mattereth not, for ye cannot go amiss. Therefore, declare the things which ye have heard, and verily believe, and know to be true. Behold, this is the will of him who hath called you, your Redeemer, even Jesus Christ. Amen."

This was just a beautiful confirmation to me this week that it doesn't matter where I go as long as I am doing what Christ has called me to do.

Wow! Um ... Oh Ephraim is coming tomorrow?!? I will watch for him! Tomorrow we get to be host and bring all the new missionaries in and get them settled so I will watch for him! I loved the fashion show pics! What was that for? Pat looks skinny with long hair!

I hope everyone is staying healthy. We missed going to the temple today because we are coming down with sore throats and stuff. But we can function and we are greatful to not have the nasty flu that has been going around.

There were so many hard things I had to go through this week that I was really missing all of your advice and I wished that I could have just called you. But this time has really shown me that I can rely on the Lord completely. My companion really has been struggling with things and it felt like no matter what I said or tried to do nothing helped. I felt so helpless and we were having a hard time completing all of the things we needed to do because of it. I prayed really hard and was really down because of it. But this Sunday both of our prayers were answered by testimonies of those in our District. Wow... exact answers to our prayers. Heavenly Father really is listening.

Gracias por todos de sus oraciones. Nesecitamos esos mucho! Les Amo mucho. Se que Cristo y Padre Celestial Les Aman tambien. Gracias por su support.

Con Amor, Hermana Sanders

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