Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Letter #3 From Hermana Sanders

Hola mi familia y mi amigos!
Como estan?
Mi semana ha estado muy bueno.
There is alway so much to tell you and I NEVER have enough time to write! But now I'm doing my laundry and this is the time I have.
So this morning we woke up at 4 am to a fire alarm in our building where we live. A pipe had burst and caused the alarm to go off so we had to wait forever to go back to our room. Then we had to get up at 5:30 and get ready to go to the temple. It was wonderful! It made me so happy to have one close and has been the first time that we have been able to go since all of the holidays have been on our P-days and the temple was closed. Its so beautiful! Especially now with all of the snow! p.s. the temperature has been -0 F almost every morning this week! FREEZING! And last week we had 18 inches of snow in three days last week that has stayed forever! I think Provo is muy bonita! Le amo!
Thank you for all of your prayers and Grandma and Angie thank you for the WONDERFUL care package. My whole district and I have been taking advantage of the halls defense and I swear its working! I loved the package! Thankfully I have not been sick but so many missionaries have been and its so sad for them to miss even one day of class because we cover so much in a day! We have been busier then ever! We teach en espanol and its coming slowly but surely. Mi companera and I compliment each other well because she puts sentences together really well and I understand really well. We were put to together through inspired prayer. Yo se que eso! Pero no tengo mucho tiempo pero yo estoy tratando poner picturas en aqui para ustedes! Yo se que Jesucristo es mi Salvador. Yo se que nesecito estar aqui, apredir muchas cosas puede ayudar la gente de Peru! Amo la CCM (MTC) es muy marvilloso a mi. Yo se que Dios bendice a mi con este obra de misioneros. Por medio de El Espiritu Santo he tenido aprendir muchas cosas que tiene cambiar mi vida! Estoy muy agradecida por ustedes.

Los amo!

Love Hermana Sanders
ps please send a card reader for my camera! I had to borrow one!

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