Monday, August 26, 2013

Letter From Whitney 08/26/2013

I am so happy to write today and just be so excited for my little bro! Pat I am so proud! My trainer is from that mission! Fort Collins is supposed to be so beautiful! My brother Elder Sanders, I am just so happy! The best present I could have gotten this week! I was also so excited to hear that someone my companion and I found and taught got baptized this week! So exciting. Especially after alot of walking and wind and dust this week ha ha. We are working really hard. Its been a good week and God is leading me and my two companions in this work. I can truly testify that I could not to the work without Him. I feel so priviledged to be a part of this work right now. I am going to try to send pictures this week. I am sorry there isnt a ton to update on this week but I just want to say that the people here are so great and are like family to me and always look forward to seeing my beautiful kind people. 
I love you all thank you for all you do!

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