Monday, August 5, 2013

Whitney's letter 8/5/2013

Wow, I am so sorry that it has been a while since I have written a big letter. I miss my people so much and feel bad that I haven´t been able to share much of the biggest experience of my life. So I am in Chiclayo Peru, right next to the Mission Presidents house and my church is were the first stake in Chiclayo was organized. The members are so sweet and so willing to help but the Church is still very new to them. The last few weeks I have been with 2 other companions learning the area and we had miracles. This week we had transfers and I am now training Hermana Brito from Riverton UT. She is so sweet and willing to learn and help me, and I feel a huge responibility to be an example and help her. Sadly right after the change we went to one of our investigators that was going to be baptized and he told us that he wants to focus on his studies and work. I am praying very hard that he feels a desire to return. It is really hard when they are so close and go against the spirit they feel. But I know the Lord will help me understand how I can help him. We have another baptism planned for this month and we are just really trying to get her support because she will be the only member in her family. I am really focusing on searching for guidance and inspiration. I realized that all baptisms that have ever happened, happened because of alot of hard work and miracles and I am ready to experience that. Peru is beautiful and the people are always giving us hugs and kisses. I have been to some places where they havent seen North American Missionaries in Years. I love it here and am learning so much thank you for your support. More to come next week

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