Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Letter #2 From Hermana Sanders!

Buenos dias.. Its my p-day! Yay! We have been so excited to do our laundry and to actually sit on the toilet for more than 1 minute. ha ha! All is great here this week has been super amazing since we have been in a routine after the holidays and have an organized learning and studying system. Spanish is coming slowly but surely. Some sad news is that we dont have our visas yet so we wont be going to Peru MTC until we get them :( but I love it here and its okay for now ha ha. Some other news is that we may only be in the MTC for a total of 6 weeks intsead of 9 like we thought. They aren't for sure but our zone teacher told us that , its possible we may leave early. So in anycase prayers for our visas would be much appreciated! Also everyone in the MTC has been sick mi companera and I have been blessed with health so far but our poor roommate had the stomach flu really bad and many in our building have been throwing up which really is bad when we all share bathrooms. They have even put a restriction on handshaking and touching your face. Please pray specifically for the health of the missionaries. Its the worst place to get sick because there is so much you can miss in one day and your companion has to stay with you.

Anyway, wow there is so much to tell you and only a few minutes are left for me!

Our district had a meeting on Sunday where we all gave small talks on faith. One Elder's testimony really touched me. Elder Clement's said that he had a friend in highschool that would sincerely say everyday... "this is the best day ever". He said he would say it everyday and was so happy because he believed what he said. Elder said one day he decided to ask his friend why he felt that way. He said every day has its challenges and trials and every day has its joys, but those things help him to become closer and more like his Savior. This truely touched me. Everyday should be the best day ever and we can have every day this way if we have a strong faith in Christ like this highschool student. I know it is possible. In this short time my faith in Christ has really increased and everday I see more room for faith in my life. The blessing is that by helping others come unto Christ, I become that much closer too.

I love you so very much. I hope the holidays were the best ever. I'm going to try to get my pics on here.

Oh yeah on more funny thing . My companion and I teach every lesson to our "investigators" in spanish and its difficult but we can get a message through with the Lords help and guidance of the spirit. Well this was just a funny accident. My companion felt strongly to say we care for you but instead she said "Queremos usted" " We want you" ha ha his eyes got big and a little later he understood what we were trying to say haha! It was awesome!

Best experiences of my life. Wish I could share more!

Te Amo!
Hermana Sanders

1 comment:

  1. Just sent a "Health Care" package your way, Whit! You should be getting it today! Hope it finds you well! We love you!
