Thursday, January 3, 2013

A Little Note From Hermana Sanders!

She wrote:
"Ang & Grandma!
Thank you so much for your gifts.  Very special!  Sadly, I can only use email to write mom & dad but they'll post it for everyone.  Life here is so crazy busy and there has been so much snow (nieve).  Your Christmas sounds like it was fun!  Grandma, the program sounds like it was awesome.   Thanks for the book &$.  Ang, your Christmas card was so cute!  Oh I wish I could tell you everything that's been happenening here... but that would take forever.  The highlights are when we teach our investigadors (espanol) in spanish.  I feel a strong Spirit there because we teach like children ha ha.  I (heart) MTC chior!  It's so beautiful!!
(heart) Hermana Sanders
Yo se que Jesucristo vive!
P.S. Thanks for the Blog!  That's awesome!  Open it to everyone!  Thanks!"

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