Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Whitney's In Peru!!!

Its wonderful. I don´t have much time today but I will tell you about my experience. I came with Elder Harris friday and we traveled together to Dallas and there I flew with one of the Hermanas that was in my district in the MTC and we got in Lima at 2-00 in the morning and some man picked us up in the tiniest car and we went in the crazy traffic to a hotel in Lima and it was nice. The next morning we didn´t know what was going on but someone came for us and took us to the airport and I came to Chiclayo where my Presidente Risso and his wife picked me up and then I met my companion and since we have been doing missionary work. Lots of walking in dust with a bunch of dogs everywhere and they are some of the ugliest dogs I have ever seen. The food is really good. We have a pensionista and we go to her house every day and eat with her for every meal. We always eats 2 lunches and its huge! There is a man in our ward that looks just like Luke Stevens ha ha. They are very kind and sweet. Today we ate at the Mission Presidents home which was really yummy ceviche! I already feel so close to them they are like second parents

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