Monday, June 24, 2013

Letter From Whitney- June 24,2013

HI! So I got transferred this week and it feels like it was forever ago! So I am in El Camino Real, Canoga Park. Its really close to Calabasses if thats how you spell it. Its really pretty and really different. I am on bike still and its been really hot but really fun. My companion is Hermana Higley! She is from Wendover and is so cute and is a Family Consumer Science major which means that she makes me the best food ever and taught me how to make beans and horchata and Jamaica! We lived together my first transfer in North Hollywood and we are good friends so we were so stoked when we got put togther! It was crazy because we were together in the temple when we were talking to our Mission President and he was telling us how he had finished transfer assignments and that he was feeling really good about it. We didn't know then that we were going to be companions but we decided that it must have been a confirmation when we were together in the temple. Its been great because we have been having a ton of success! We got 10 new investigators which has been the most ever in both of our missions.

Yay its so cool and crazy I love it. My last area was so ghetto and this one is so clean and pretty and the people are great. I am so excited to have the support of my ward too! I speak next week in Church and get to share all of my new insights since the broadcast yesterday. It was amazing! What did you think of it?

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