Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Letter From Whitney 02/12/2013

Ok, apparently Whitney is leaving the MTC this week but doesn't know where she's going!!!
See below! Or maybe she isn't telling us? Not sure!

Hola familia y mis amigos! Como estan? Es muy loco que esta mi ultima semana aqui en el MTC! WOW! Yo no se a donde voy pero yo sabre en 2 mas dias! Estoy lista pero yo tengo mucho mas enspanol que necesito aprender.
Gracias por sus muchas oraciones y por pigetas y cartas! Y Angie gracias por so dones por el dia de corazones! Mi companera le gusto mucho! Yo tambien gracias! Yo tengo muchas cartas que necesito escribir hoy, hare eso! See translation below
Okay wow way to much going on now adays as usual! More spanish and gospel all day everyday. Its funny because before coming here I thought it would be much easier to speak spanish but wow. I still have been really blessed with what I have learned. My companion and I are only speaking spanish to eachother this week. That is really hard but we have learned so much doing that. Anyone who has studied spanish knows that subjunctive is a real pain! Im no complaining its just difficult ;) Okay so it looks like you are all having tonz of fun! And I feel alot like Jeff says he feels in his letter. Man he is looking handsome that cousin of mine. Skinny too. Someone please dear elder me his address because I got a short email from him but I can't email back. Mis pequenos primos estan creciendo mucho! Lindos! Extrano les mucho!
So this week we had some awesome firesides. This one was with a man who works on the missionary committee and it was cool. He had people fly in from Argentina that he taught 40 years ago and it was special for me to see. I want an experience like that some day!
Well you all should write me and guess where I'm going!
P.S I got a letter from Hermana Arnaud! She is in Enterprise! YAY
Les Quiero mucho! Por favor, Leeran 2 Tim 1:7 me gusto mucho!
Hermana Sanders
Hello family and friends! How are you? It's crazy that my last week here in the MTC! WOW! I do not know where I'm going but I will know in 2 more days! I'm ready but I have much more I need to learn enspanol.

Thank you for your many prayers and pigetas and letters! And Angie thanks for gifts so the day of hearts! My companion liked it a lot! I also thank you! I have many letters I need to write today, will do that!

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