Friday, May 31, 2013

New letter 5-30-2013

Okay so what a crazy week! Don't worry mom I feel fine. We just wanted to get it checked before I someday ( I don't know when) I got to Peru because it has been 8 months and Im on a totally different diet and am on bike all day. I'm always tired but that just is what biking in the sun does to you. Man, I did get the drivers liscence stuff but it turned out to be a huge pain in the you know what and I went to the mission office to get help from the office and basically I don't need it until I get home so its okay. I never found my wallet but I was wondering if you could look in my folder of stuff and make sure my social security card is in there I was sure to leave it home but I want to double check. So I have had such a good week with some exciting miracles! New investigators and baptismal dates! I am having so much fun seeing my area grow and learing so much from the people we teach and my crazy fun companions! So out of nowhere uncle john emailed me and said .. oh Im getting married and something about cherries. Random! Send me pics okay! I am sorry I am so behind on letters but Preparation days have been crazy and I have not been able to get stamps but I will get to it this week! Mom I love the people here and its going to break my heart to leave. I am so proud of pat and thought of him all that day. Sister Cropper called after she talked to you and said... your mom just said they had a graduation and I was trying not to cry! Just so proud. What is the status on when he can do his papers?

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